vrijdag 25 oktober 2013



woensdag 23 oktober 2013

De muur tegen-over de ingang

Het idee komt op om onder de tegels de vertaling in rood te zetten 

maandag 21 oktober 2013

Today I finished the design for the left wall of the gallery
Using the snowden alphabet, the statement:

fits exactly on this wall. I'm going to use the newspaper heading for this wall.
I need around 400 headings, so still 60 to go.
That won't be a problem because there are more American newspapers then I used till now.
The design can either be using the normal alphabet or using it inverse.
This choice I have to make within weeks because then everything needs to be send to the printshop.


zaterdag 19 oktober 2013


Results:  137
To go: 223
Newspaper headings: 369

You still can contribute your secrets to:

vrijdag 18 oktober 2013

In the right back corner of the gallery I will hang 3 or 4 QR-codes. These QR-codes are printed on 75 x 75 cm aluminum.
The message can be scanned by using a smartphone or tablet.
Maybe I will make a series of small QR-codes with secrets and confessions. I discovered that you can print an extra message over the QR-code without making the QR-code unreadable. This gives me possibilities to play around a little.




woensdag 16 oktober 2013

Yesterday I started working on QR codes. They have a strong relation to the idea of tiled walls.
I discovered a way to create them and to manipulate them so I can change color etc.
I was thinking of 3 QR codes printed on aluminum (dibond).

The first one I created yesterday is carrier of my statement:
We all have the right to be anonymous.
Using your Iphone or Ipad or any other device that can read QR codes makes it possible to encrypt the message. 

This possible encryption is a perfect match with the concept of the show.

zaterdag 12 oktober 2013

Contributions to SCRTS&CNFSSNS:

Response: 74
Newspaper Headings : 331
Still to go: 326

If you want to participate in this project for
then add your confessions to this link:


donderdag 10 oktober 2013

The Snowden Alphabet

In the gallery I'm going to use a specific alphabet to encrypt my messages.
These messages are no secrets, so the code will be available in the gallery.
For the followers of this blog I will give you the code plus an example of one of my messages.
Good luck decoding.


Because the response on the original question to share secrets that could be dangerous for you in a changing political or religious context is very limited, I decided, in order to continue this project, to create a new question:

If you try to put yourself in another situation (political or religious context) what ideas, feelings, thoughts, acts etc. could be dangerous.
I give an example:
You're living in North Korea and your secret is that you did not cry when the leader/dictator 
Kim il-sung died.
This fact will send you to jail for at least a couple of years.
So beside the answers on the original question and the newspaper heading I'm now in for a more open approach. 
If you like to give me some input please follow the link and start your answer with a questionmark:
?I didn't cry when Kim-il sung died.


woensdag 9 oktober 2013



October 10
TO GO: 441



For a second wall I'm going to create a graphical pattern using newspaper headlines concerning articles about NSA and Snowden. I used articles from Dutch newspapers (NRC, Volkskrant, Trouw) and American newspapers ( NY Times, Wall Street Journal, USA today, Washington Post). Together it brought me over 350 headings, enough to create this wall.

Also in this wall there will be prints in black on white and prints in white on black.
Each print will be 15 x 15 cm so it will exactly fit on the tiles of the former butcher shop.
The graphical pattern created by the prints will be an encrypted message.

The headings give me an escape for the fact that the secrets and confessions are limited in amount. At least 1000 people received a mail or link, but till now the response is limited.
Are we scared to share our secrets, is the question I ask to confronting or simply don't we care about what's happening on the level of security organisations like AIVD and NSA............. 

- Vertrouwen in communicatie over internet ernstig geschaad
- Hier kunt u lekken naar de gehele Nederlandse pers
- De NSA heeft niet het geld en de fut om iedereen te volgen
- We kunnen bij interne VN-conferenties, jippie
- De Totale Transparantie
- Informatie Miranda 'bedreigend'
- Elk beeld is verdacht
- Rechter noemde afluisteren door NSA 'ongrondwettig'
- Klokkenluider Manning veroordeeld tot 35 jaar
- Overheid, ons nieuws is niet te stoppen
- Een stukgeslagen laptop
- The Guardian moest info NSA vernietigen
- Britten ondervragen partner journalist
- NSA schond privacy van burgers op grote schaal
- Obama kan debat NSA niet sussen
- Obama geeft toe aan druk en hervormt NSA
- Meekijken mag, zolang je het niet merkt
- Duitse sympathie voor Obama op dieptepunt
- Maildienst van Snowden stopt na druk
- Hard besluit Obama, geen breuk
- Omineuze stap Obama
- Een filter is niet altijd de oplossing
- Veel onduidelijk over terreurdreiging
- Britse geheime dienst wordt betaald door VS
- Russisch asiel Snowden 'dolkstoot in rug van VS'
- NSA heeft vrijwel onbeperkt toegang tot internetverkeer
- Hackers tussen anarchie en sushi
- Hard oordeel over Manning
- Omstreden, schuchtere militair
- De grondwet verdwijnt in een bunker in Utah
- AIVD luisterde ambassadeur af
- VS: geen doodstraf Snowden
- Duitse politiek steggelt over 'miljoenvoudig afluisteren'
- NSA mag telefoondata in VS blijven verzamelen
- Systeem als PRISM redt mensenlevens
- Datasporen: zoek het patroon
- Geheime staatsmacht
- VS boos om 'propagandashow' Snowden op vliegveld Moskou
- Microsoft hielp veiligheidsdienst bij omzeilen van beveiliging
- Zaak-Snowden is geen schandaal, maar praktijk
- Brazilië blijkt spil in Latijns-Amerikaans tapnetwerk VS
- VS krijgen vrij spel van Duitse geheime dienst
- Digitale helden
- Snowden naar Caracas?
- Latijns-Amerika: hulp Snowden
- EU en VS beginnen met praten
- Zo word je 'n vijand van Amerika
- Latijns-Amerika ergert zich aan de 'arrogantie' van de buurman
- De NSA zoekt naar een speld in een yottabyte
- Fransen zijn wel gewend aan omnipresente staat
- Latijns-Amerikaanse solidariteit met Morales
- De zaak-Snowden
- Stop Morales! Hij helpt Snowden
- Snowden vraagt ook asiel in Nederland
- Het kabinet houdt zich wel erg stil
- De VS luisteren Nederland al sinds de oorlog af
- Spioneren doe je ook bij je naasten
- Vrienden die ons kennelijk als vijanden zien
- Europa woedend op VS over afluisteren
- Wereldpolitiek houdt Snowden in transitzone
- Held
- Snowden nog in Moskou
- Intern bedreigde democratie
- Misschien was Snowden helemaal niet in Moskou
- George Orwell omgekeerd
- Irritatie VS over rol China bij vlucht Snowden
- Weer hoofdrol voor Ecuador in steekspel
- Moskou 'weet niets' van bezoek
- Voor China zijn onthullingen over cybercrime door de VS goud waard
- In de greep van de informatiegekte
- Britse geheime dienst luisterde G20 in Londen af
- De Grote Digitale Sprong Voorwaarts
- George W. Obama
- Onze privacy dood?
- 1984
- Onbeschofte lobby van VS
- Onderaannemers in staatsgeheimen
- Snowden was een grote luiwammes
- Nee, Snowden deed een grote onthulling
- Libertairen hebben eindelijk een held
- Fuck the system
- Gecodeerd chatten met een doek over het beeldscherm
- Wat weten de VS van u?
- Amerikanen gaan door met afluisterprogramma
- Privacy is echt voorbij
- Een productieve en unieke toegang
- De macht om iedereen af te tappen
- Obama's transparantie
- N.S.A. Able to Foil Basic Safeguards of Privacy on We
- Legislation Seeks to Bar N.S.A. Tactic in Encryption
- Secret Documents Reveal N.S.A. Campaign Against Encryption
- Secret Court Rebuked N.S.A. on Surveillance
- Momentum Builds Against N.S.A. Surveillance
- N.S.A. Said to Search Content of Messages to and From U.S.
- N.S.A. Often Broke Rules on Privacy, Audit Shows
- N.S.A. Phone Data Collection Is Illegal, A.C.L.U. Says
- Brazil Angered Over Report N.S.A. Spied on President
- N.S.A. Calls Violations of Privacy ‘Minuscule’
- Leaker’s Flight Raises Tension Between U.S. and 3 Nations
- Job Title Key to Inner Access Held by Snowden
- He Broke the Law. He Should Be Prosecuted.
- No Democratic Hero, He Subverted the Process
- Ex-Contractor Is Charged in Leaks on N.S.A. Surveillance
- Ex-Worker at C.I.A. Says He Leaked Data on Surveillance
- Snowden, in Russia, Seeks Asylum in Ecuador
- Brazil’s president condemns NSA spying
- Sen. Patrick Leahy calls for end to NSA bulk phone records program
- Hackers accidentally defaced NASA sites.
- Here’s how to tell NASA and the NSA apart.
- After NSA revelations, a privacy czar is needed
- Democratic, GOP senators seek inspector general review of NSA surveillance
- Independent’ panel reviewing NSA spying working closely with US gov’t spy chief’s office
- FISA court releases opinion upholding NSA phone program
- Obama wanted an open Internet he could spy on. Thanks to the NSA, he may get neither.
- Alle goede journalistiek is activisme
- Spioneren door de VS nu gemakkelijker
- Amsterdams internetpunt breidt toch uit naar Amerika
- Snowden Trained as Hacker While With N.S.A
- A leak about an Al Qaeda plot has caused more damage to U.S. security efforts than Edward Snowden.
- Snowden’s Leaks on China Could Affect Its Role in His Fate
- Hong Kong Demonstrators Show Support for Snowden in N.S.A. Leak Case
- Rep. Rogers: Snowden might have outsid help
- 5 The fact that the NSA collected cell-site data is a big deal. But so is the fact they admitted it.
- The Switchboard: Five tech policy stories you need to read today
- NSA chief says it tested tracking of cellphone locations, never used that information
- NSA had test project to collect data on Americans’ cellphone locations, director says
- Here’s why one of the most conservative members of the House wants to rein in the NSA
- NSA chief says agency does not track US social media, but did test tracking US cellphones
- Gov’t asks court to reject companies’ requests to reveal US demands for customer information
- A CEO who resisted NSA spying is out of prison. And he feels ‘vindicated’ by Snowden leaks.
- The Criminal N.S.A.
- While N.S.A. Leaker Stays in Hiding, Russian TV Builds a Pedestal for Him
- U.S. Petitions for Extradition in N.S.A. Case
- Résumé Shows Snowden Honed Hacking Skills
- N.S.A. Leaks Revive Push in Russia to Control Net
- Seeking Extradition Would Start a Useful Debate
- No Democratic Hero, He Subverted the Process
- Whistle-Blowers Deserve Protection Not Prison
- Don’t Let His Case Become a Distraction
- The Government Must Be Judicious
- Before Prosecuting, Investigate the Government
- How Laura Poitras Helped Snowden Spill His Secrets
- Hong Kong Demonstrators Show Support for Snowden in N.S.A. Leak Case
- N.S.A. Gathers Data on Social Connections of U.S. Citizens
- Defiant Russia Grants Snowden Year’s Asylum
- N.S.A. Whistle-Blower Revealed in Video
- Hoe veilig zijn de geheimen van onze bedrijven nog?
- NSA Maatschappelijke onrust, maar Obama verdedigt ‘bescheiden aantasting’ privacy
- NSA opereert altijd in stilte
- NSA-affaire: Rousseff wil cybersoevereiniteit
- Mailen gaat vaak via de V.S. Da’s handig voor de NSA
- Leest de NSA met u mee?
- Mailen via de V.S., handig voor de NSA
- Snowden to dish out more info on NSA
- As Snowden takes asylum, NSA's support shows cracks
- Hey, NSA, are you listening? Well, cut it out
- Ecuador reviews Snowden request
- Snowden on the run again
- Report: U.S. spying is costly, often ineffective
- How a low-level insider could steal from NSA
- NSA leaker ends up in more repressive country
- Why tiptoe around the 'why'?
- Charges explored against NSA leaker
- NSA was bound to overstep
- Snowden chase reveals secret double standard
- NSA: Surveillance foiled 50 terror plots
- Did leak help or hurt nation?
- NSA chief: Surveillance programs protect
- 'I have done nothing wrong'
- Who do you trust? Your banker
- NSA data program survives key vote
- Senators look at limits on surveillance
- Latest PRISM news shouldn't worry consumers
- When discovering a leak is a good thing
- Security state's collateral damage
- U.S.-Russia relations at 'rock bottom' over Snowden case
- Police tracking you with license plate scans
- Defiant Snowden says he'll 'stay and fight'
- Expose Russia's intelligence network
- Right to charge whistle-blower with espionage
- Where, oh where is Edward Snowden?
- Assange calling the shots on Snowden
- Anger, admiration follow NSA leaker Snowden
- Contractor: Government has intruded on privacy
- Canceling talks likely to have bigger effect on U.S.
- Congress' skepticism over NSA program rises
- Watchdog never probed complaints on NSA
- Tech hiring binge may pose security risks for government
- NSA admits new privacy violations
- Lawmakers debate how to fix NSA
- Russia invites Snowden, on one condition
- Controversy revives debate over secrecy
- Covering Snowden can be hazardous to your friends
- Snowden's claims intrigue Hong Kong
- NSA in the cross hairs
- Surveillance program is about freedom
- Where's the intelligence in intelligence community?
- Is NSA whistle-blower a hero, a villain, or some of both?
- Where was Snowden in 2006?
- Google challenges U.S. gag order on data requests
- Secret programs keep us safe
- NSA cracks Internet privacy
- As world watches Snowden, privacy debate intensifies
- From public servant to traitor?
- Three secret programs no longer secret
- Don't let leaker's long, strange trip take NSA off the hook
- NSA threatens our liberty
- NSA discussions fail to mention innovation factor
- NSA programs go too far?
- Former vice president Cheney weighs in on Snowden, disclosures
- Revelations of 'mistakes' hint at agency ducking oversight
- In tech scandals, it's all about the scale
- Did leaks of top-secret U.S. activity damage security?
- I spy very little reason to worry
- Twelve years after 9/11, rein in surveillance state
- Security clearances held by millions
- Intel officials reveal misuse of secret spying program
- 2 degrees from terrorism: How 9/11 changed things
- Firm That Vetted Snowden Defends Work
- New Details Show Broader NSA Reach
- Obama Proposes Overhaul of NSA Surveillance Policy
- Obama Gives Edward Snowden the Win
- U.S. Charges Snowden in NSA Security-Leak Case
- Are You a Whistleblower or a Snitch?
- Who Voted for Snowden?
- Ecuador's Consul Could Face Discipline Over Snowden
- India Defends U.S. Surveillance Programs
- RIM Plays Defense as Snowden Leaks Touch BlackBerry
- Snowden Is No Inheritor of Sakharov's Legacy
- Companies Would be "Crazy" to Ask the NSA for Cybersecurity Help
- NSA Sparks Cloud Nationalism
- Why the NSA Scandal Is Giving Facebook a Global Business Headache
- RSA: Don't Use Encryption Influenced by NSA
- Brazil Furious at Latest NSA Leak
- New Spying Allegations Add to U.S.-Brazil Rift
- Despite NSA Advances, the Internet Still Holds Some Secrets
- NSA Can Crack Much Internet Encryption
- Snowden's Background Check Faulted
- NSA Pays Tech Companies for Data
- NSA Boosting Automation in Wake of Snowden Leaks
- Terrorism Threat, Snowden
- Grand Jury Probes Firm That Cleared Snowden
- U.S. Blasts Russia for Granting Asylum to Snowden
- U.S.: Snowden Wouldn't Face Death Penalty
- Republicans for Snowden
- Snowden May Soon Leave Airport
- Putin Urges Snowden to Leave Russia
- Snowden Leaks Cloud U.S.-China Talks
- More Surveillance, Please
- Surveillance Raises 'Legitimate Questions,' U.S. Tells Brazil
- U.K. Spy Agency Cleared in Prism Use
- Germany to Review NSA Ties
- Secret Court Ruling Expanded Spy Powers
- Obama Promises Review of Overseas Spying Allegations
- An Extremist's Guide to Life Online
- Meltdowns Hobble NSA Data Center
- Big Transparency for the NSA
- Lawyers Challenge Detention at Heathrow
- NSA's Involvement in Standards Setting Erodes Trust
- U.S. Spy Program Lifts Veil in Court
- What Is the NSA's 'Black Budget'?
- Snowden Offered Asylum by Venezuela
- For NSA, Hackers Are Needed, Risky
- What the Snowden Acolytes Won't Tell You
- Echoes of Echelon in Charges of NSA Spying in Europe
- NSA Accused of Spying on the EU
- Who Helped Snowden Steal State Secrets?
- Obama: No 'Wheeling and Dealing' for Snowden
- Snowden Enters Limbo Familiar to Refugees
- Snowden, While on the Run, Poses Greater Risk to U.S.
- U.S. Talks Tough on Leaker
- Snowden's 'Conscience'
- Constitutional Threats Trump Terror
- Snowden Flees to Moscow, Asks Ecuador for Asylum
- Cash Crunch, Snowden Flees Hong Kong
- WikiLeaks Reasserts Itself by Helping Leaker
- U.S. Probes Firm That Vetted NSA Leaker
- NSA Leaker Denies Any Links to China
- Snowden's Ties to China Probed
- U.S Weighs Snowden Extradition Strategy
- Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Snowden
- Investigators Pore Over Leaker's Life
- Contractor Admits to Leaks
- Dershowitz on NSA Leaker Snowden
- Snowden Not Our Spy, China Says
- What You Need to Know on New Details of NSA Spying
- Snowden's Miranda Warning
- Snowden's Russian Protectors
- Snowden Leaves Moscow Airport
- Mercosur Trade Bloc Backs Nations Offering Snowden Asylum
- Vladimir Putin Benefitting From Snowden?
- Secret Court Airs Phone-Data Ruling
- NSA Admits It Violated Privacy Rules
- The NSA Dossier
- NSA Defends Itself on Privacy Breaches
- Obama Plan to Revamp NSA Faces Obstacles
- NSA Chief Defends Snooping to Hackers
- Pressure Builds for Data-Sweep Alternative
- Officials: NSA Doesn't Collect Cellphone-Location Records
- Merkel Demands Details of U.S. Spying
- Data Expert Kaspersky: No More Privacy
- New iPhone Won't Store Fingerprints
- Putin Cool on Snowden Asylum Bid
- Senate Starts Debate on Curbing NSA
- When Your Car Is Spying on You
- The NSA Is’nt Spying on You
- Move to Curb NSA Program Defeated
- NSA Surveillance, Self-Defense and the Constitution
- Snowden's Father, Lawyer To Visit Him in Moscow
- The Snowden Saga Continues: Obama's Putin Snub
- Snowden Remains Stuck at Airport
- No U.S. Boycott in Sochi as a Result of Snowden
- Meltdowns Damage NSA Data Storage Equipment
- Putin Admits Early Snowden Contact
- Venezuela Lets Snowden Make His Own Plans
- Snowden to Seek Asylum in Russia
- Snowden Still Mulls Where to Run, Columnist Says
- Venezuela Reiterates Offer of Asylum for Snowden
- Leaker on the Lam
- Brazil Presses U.S. on Surveillance
- NSA Director Says Efforts Foiled Plots
- Brazil Probes U.S. Spying Allegations
- Obama and Snowden—'Zero' Effect
- Snowden Alleges U.S. Hacking in China
- A Wake-Up Call for Booz Allen and Us
- Snowden: White House Has Left Him 'Stateless'
- Russia Largely Mum Over Surveillance Allegations
- I Spy an Excuse
- More Dots, Less Terrorism
- How Google Handles NSA Requests
- White House's Aggressive Campaign to Guard Secrets
- Why Venezuela Offers Asylum to Snowden
- Snowden's Options for Refuge Narrow
- Snowden on the Run
- Security Fears With Snowden Affair
- Bolivia President's Plane Blocked
- China Rejects Criticism Over Snowden
- U.S. Requests Snowden's Extradition
- U.K. Accused of Spying at G-20 Summits in 2009
- Snowden and China
- More Countries Refuse to Grant Snowden Asylum
- Snowden's Asylum Effort Hits Roadblocks
- Europe Raises Heat on U.S. Over Spying
- Senator Discusses Curbing NSA Powers
- Details Emerge on NSA's Now-Ended Internet Program
- T-Mobile, Verizon Wireless Shielded from NSA Sweep
- NSA Secrecy Prompts a Pushback
- 'Big Brother' and Big Data
- Leaking Secrets Empowers Terrorists
- Apology Sought in False Snowden Claim
- The President and the 'Hacker'
- Putin Says Russia Won't Stop Snowden
- U.S. Slams China Over Snowden
- Hong Kong Allows Snowdens Departure to Russia
- Man Behind Leaks Is Still in Hong Kong
- A Song of Victims
- Snowden Applies to 6 More Countries
- Ecuador: No Travel Documents Given to Snowden
- WikiLeaks Lawyer Says No to Defending Snowden
- Ecuador Considers Snowden Request
- Fugitive Gets Advice, Aid from WikiLeaks
- How Snowden's Extradition Fell Apart
- Mr. Mukasey Might Get Himself on an NSA Watch List
- Contractors in Spotlight After NSA Leak
- Confessed NSA Leaker's Whereabouts Unknown
- Big Brother...Big Deal?
- Contractor Says He Was NSA Leaker
- Contractor in Hong Kong After NSA Leaking
- Technology Emboldened the NSA
- Data-Mining, Civil Liberties and Preventing Terrorism
- Holder Says Prism Subject to Oversight
- EU Steps Up Push to Tighten Data Privacy Rules
- Firm 'Shocked' by Employee's Data Breach
- Privacy Isn't All We're Losing
- What We Lose if We Give Up Privacy
- FBI Director Says Surveillance Programs Lawful

donderdag 3 oktober 2013

This is interesting information. I have to check with the person who built the site wether this is true or not.
The only thing I can say is that the information I got from the secrets is the secret itself. I have no possibility to connect a secret with a person. 
Anyway this information makes my statement even more clear: "They" are able to check everything from us.
I'm convinced that even if there would be a genius encryption system on the site "they" would be able to hack it.
The fact our virtual information is possibly hacked must be a challenge for all of us to think about new ways of using internet, mail, facebook etc.

A friend of mine sent me a link to a recent project of yours (http://www.atelierblanchefosse.nl/SCRTS-CNFSSNS/index.php), and while I like the idea I have a couple issues with the implementation...
First, all data submitted to the form is transmitted to the server as plain-text, which directly contradicts your statement that "all revelations will be encrypted before sending." Sending the data in plain-text form allows anyone spying on your users to see exactly what they wrote. And since this data is received and processed by the server, anyone with access to the server will also have access to the plain-text data.
Second, the returned string appears to simply be a base64-encoded copy of the submitted text. This is not encryption, and does not make the original text difficult to recover. The base64 version of the text is the exact same content, simply represented in a different manner. It's equivalent to rewriting the decimal number 2 in binary as 10.
These combined ensure that nothing about this is either secure or anonymous, which seems to go against the motivation for your project. If you actually receive confessions which could be of interest to an organization like the NSA, you have done nothing to safeguard the privacy of your contributors and may be doing them a disservice by giving them a false sense of security. And if none of the confessions you receive could be of interest to such an organization, then why have the "encryption" step at all?
It's also not clear to what extent you have access to the server at atelierblanchefosse.nl, and you do not publish the code you're running or discuss its implementation. To me, this raises the question of whether the submissions are even anonymous from your perspective, and to what extent the server retains logs of these sessions.
I would suggest at a minimum to at least serve the page over HTTPS. It would also be nice if you encrypted the data on the client-side (in Javascript, perhaps), so the server never sees the unencrypted content. Ideally this could be done with a public key you create for yourself, then you could decrypt the data with your private key and have some degree of confidence that you are the only one with the decrypted data (you could use something like GnuPG to generate the keys: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_Privacy_Guard ). Doing this will ensure that even if someone was being monitored by NSA or another organization, all the org would know is that they visited your page, not what they wrote.
It would also be nice (just as a generally-reassuring gesture) if you shared on your project page some more detail about how the server is handling the data you receive, perhaps by publishing the source code you're running and discussing the extent to which user data is logged by the system.
I apologize if my tone is a little harsh, and I hope that this is more informative than anything. I would love to see people become more aware of cryptography in general, and to think more about how their data moves through the 'net.

There have been some questions about the safety of the site.
Are your confessions really anonymous and hidden for the eyes of a spying government.
The only thing I can assure is that I receive every message in such a way that it's for me impossible to track the sender. 
The basic idea of the project is that all information on the web can be viewed by organizations like NSA. That's why we have to be aware of how we're using the web. It would be an illusion to think that the encrypt button on the site is a guaranty for safety. Maybe it's an idea to invite someone during the period of the show to explain a bit about the possibilities of encryption, the use of special browsers, providers etc..
For now the only thing I can say that if you have any doubts about your safety after typing your secret then don't.
I'm not asking for confessions like: "I'm a terrorist". Simply if you think about what happened in the past just being a Christian, Jew, Templar, Cathar or being Gay, Bisexual, Capitalist or Communist, makes it clear that even a simple confession that's in no way threatening under our political or religious regime, can be very threatening if there is a sudden change.